Worship Service Weekly Status
Sabbath 16th October – registration closed
Sabbath 23rd October – currently planning for unlimited capacity; no registration necessary
Do not attend if you have:
- a temperature of 38˚C or more; any other symptoms such as a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell
- been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
- been living with someone who is unwell and may have coronavirus
You will need to phone your GP and along with all those you live with restrict your movements. If you have recently travelled to Ireland you will need to consult government advice.
When You Arrive on the Day
- Wash hands on entry to building
- Sign all family members in/out in logbook (kept for contract tracing purposes) – the deaconate team present will guide you through this
- Go to your assigned seating – the deaconate team present will help you with this
While in the Building
- Respect physical distancing guidelines of 2m (except between family members) at all times
- Use wipes to clean objects after using them
- Sanitise / wash hands regularly
- Cloth face coverings should be worn by everyone aged 13 or above
- Only the main worship hall and toilets will be accessible
- Follow the guidance of the greeters