Tithes & Offerings (7me App)
In June 2023 we introduced the new 7me app. We would encourage you to use the app, where possible, for giving.
Advantages of using the app over making a bank transfer:
- giving is easy and direct from you mobile
- giving is secure
- you can view your giving history
- you can choose how much you want to give in tithe, offering, world mission etc
- you can engage in micro-giving, as often as you want
- you can store you card details securely
- the app is used by 100’s of 1000’s of Adventists across our world church
- you can access more than giving in the app, such as resources, info about churches, prayer requests and more

While using the 7me app is so much less work for our volunteers to process your giving, if you’d rather give via bank transfer, please find the steps below.
Step 1: make bank transfer
Please make a bank transfer to the following account, for the whole amount (tithe & offering included together).
Bank account details:
IBAN: IE15AIBK93329555012203
Name on Account: Ranelagh Adventist Church
Please put your first name and surname on the reference when you make the bank transfer. If you do not do this the treasury team will not know who sent the money.
Step 2: email the treasury team
*New: from Tuesday 1st October 2024
Once you have made the bank transfer, please send an email to the treasury team using .
Thank you for your faithfulness

Scan the QR code above on your mobile for a direct link to the 7me app on Google Play or the App Store