Dublin Area Day of Fellowship

Saturday 2nd December, 2017

Dublin Area Day of Fellowship


Maldron Hotel, Tallaght. The address is Maldron Hotel, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

Parking – available overground in Woodies Car Park for up to 4 hours. Available underground in the Hotel parking spaces –  to park free you just need to get your ticket validated at reception.


United for Mission

Focusing on Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-23 we will consider what it means to be united in order to reach out to others.



Pastor Lorance Johnson

Pastor Lorance is the district pastor for the Cork, Kilkenny and Waterford churches. He has served in the Irish Mission since October 2017. Previously to this he has served as North England Conference President, district pastor in Scotland and with Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM).


Devotional Time, 0930-0945
Sabbath School, 0945-1045
Mission Initiatives, 1045-1100

Break, 1100-1130

Main Worship Service, 1130-1300

Lunch, 1330-1430

Afternoon Programme, 1500-1630
Book Sale, 1630 onwards


After the worship service everyone will be able to travel 3 minutes down the road by car (walking, 15 minutes) to An Solas, Tallaght Methodist Church and Community Centre (Jobstown), where the Dublin Romanian church worships. Lunch will be there.

Please bring your own lunch as it will not be provided.

Afternoon Programme

At 3pm we will begin a 1 to 1.5 hour afternoon programme. It will include music, some information about the Dublin building fund and project, as well as a focus on our churches in the Dublin area.

Adventist Book Centre / Stanborough Press

The Adventist Book Centre will be with us for the day. They will be opening the book & food shop at 4.15pm (after Sabbath hours). The book & food shop will take place in An Solas, Tallaght Methodist Church and Community Centre (Jobstown), where the Dublin Romanian church worships.

To make sure that you get what you want, we have arranged that you can pre-order items from the Advent Book Centre, if you would like to. You can download the list of items for order by clicking on the button below. To place an order for the item(s) you want you will need to contact Stanborough Press / the Advent Book Centre using the following details:

  • By phone +44 (0)1476 591 700 (press 1 for sales)
  • Email

The last date to pre-order is Tuesday 28th November.