Church Officer Elections

To elect church officers for the 2022-2023 period, the process will be conducted in 6 steps:

    1. Receiving of nomations for Organising Committe by Ranelagh Church members (online, paperĀ  & WhatsApp nominations to be accepted) – until Thu 2nd December (COMPLETE)
    2. Acceptance of Organising Committee by church / church board – Saturday 4th December (COMPLETE)
    3. Nominations for Nominating Committee by Organising Committee members – Monday 6th December, 8pm (COMPLETE)
    4. Acceptance of Nominating Committee by church / church board – Saturday 11th December (COMPLETE)
    5. Nomination of church office holders by Nominating Committee – Sunday 12th December & Saturday 18th December
    6. Acceptance of Nominating Committee report by church / church board – date tbc

In Process: Step 3 / Step 4

The Organising Commitee met on Monday 6th December and the following people have been nominated to make up the 12-person Nominating Committee: Busi, Csilla, Diane, Heather, Joan, Juliana, Natasha, Nave, Pamu, Petar, Takondwa, Victoria, chaired by Pastor Adam.

The church body will be updated on Sabbath 11th December during the worship service.

Role of Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee will be made up of 12 members who will be responsible for nominating the church officers for the period 2022-2023.

Ministry Interest Form
While the information you give on this form may be used in the choosing of church officers, it's wider relevance is to help us guide you into a ministry area which suits your calling. Data: please note that the information given on this form will be kept digitally by Ranelagh Adventist Church for the purpose of helping to place individuals into ministries and service opportunities within the Church on an ongoing basis.
What are your Spiritual Gifts? / What do you think your Spiritual Gifts might be? If you're not sure, it's fine.
Please list what you would consider to be your skills, talents, area(s) of expertise or any specific training which may help place you in ministry.
Please list your ministry experience / involvement, including any church offices you have help previously, either in Ranelagh Church or in another Adventist church, including dates (if possible).
If you would like to express an interest in serving in any of these ministry areas, because of your gifts, skills, or where you feel God might be calling you to serve, please tick the appropriate ones.